Friday, August 28, 2009

Do you know what 25,000 Caribbean Americans can do together if we collectively agree to do something?

More details coming soon!!!! but share your thoughts

1 comment:

  1. That's an interesting question that you have posed and if we are to really think about that question, we would blow our own minds in thinking what great power there is in numbers. Historically, Caribbean people as a whole are very, very hardworking and when they set their minds to do something together, what an awesome result it woudl be. But it starts somewhere--with a desire to want to work toward a common goal--whatever that goal is. The greatest book ever written says, "And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken". It's simply because of our history that we can't get past the PAST enough to recognize the true strength and power we possess together as a people. Many of us have a crabs-in-a barrel mentality where we keep pulling one another down when one tries to make it to the top, instead of helping one another to rise. We are standing on the shoulders of many who fought for us to get to this point in our lives--the ability to vote, to sit at the front of the bus, to have opportunities to pursue education equally, to read and write and the list goes on. It's a slap in the face to our ancestors for all the blood, sweat and tears they gave for us to have so many opportunities afforded to us today. There is a famous saying which simply says, "United we stand, divided we fall". Aren't we concerned about leaving a legacy like those who preceded us? So where do we start? We start by agreeing to do SOMETHING.
